New Parish Hall Addition & Renovation

St. John's Episcopal Church
Charlotte, NC

St. John’s Episcopal Church is prominently located on Carmel Road, directly across from the Charlotte Country Day School. The project was a 25,000 sf addition and 5,000 sf of renovated space. The program complements and expands the Church’s current needs by providing: a multipurpose Parish Hall that can seat up to 350 people for any given function; new and enlarged preschool program space; and greatly needed Christian Education classroom spaces. J•PA worked closely with the Church Building Committee and user groups to ensure that all critical needs were accommodated in programming. Parish Hall is adjacent to a fully-equipped commercial kitchen to meet the regular and rigorous food preparation needs.

Stylistically, the Addition draws on and distills architectural elements of the existing Church to create a seamless connection that complements the Church without overpowering the existing building.